The Amazon Rainforest

I am starting with the Amazon rainforest because it is one of earths’ greatest treasures and it is slowly dying. Over the years the Amazon has been being more and more torn apart and there needs to be a call to action.

One of the many things that makes the Amazon so great is it’s diversity of different types of wildlife. For example, the red uakari is the rarest animal to ever be found in the Amazon. This unique animal has a distinct red face, a bald head, and long colored fur that covers the rest of its body. The red uakari doesn’t have a tail like other similar animals that live in the Amazon but, the red uakari does have long arms and legs that let it swing and climb from tree to tree. This rare species can only be found in the Amazon because they prefer to drink from areas that are flooded with a reliable source of water. The dangers that this species is facing are habitat loss and hunting and because the red uakari are preferred in a very specific place it is hard for them to relocate.

“The water sources the uakari enjoys are also enjoyed by humans, increasing the likelihood of human-wildlife conflict.”

This quote is a great example of how human interaction could make humans want the animal for its fur or any other type of profiting. This could attract more humans to the specific water regions where the animals were spot. This puts not only just the red uakari in danger but all species in the amazon in danger.

To conclude, the Amazon rainforest is home too many rare species that can only survive in the Amazon. We are slowly tearing it apart because we are hunting and having human contact with animals that are very rare. We need to take action to protect these rare animals before they all become extinct.


  1. Wow, this is amazing work!

  2. Your photography is so pretty! inspired by the website

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